Legal Advice
Los términos y condiciones recogidos en el presente Aviso Legal (en adelante, las “Normas”) tienen por finalidad informar, regular el uso y acceso de los usuarios (en adelante, el “Usuario” o los “usuarios”) a todas las páginas web que figuran bajo el dominio (en adelante, “la página”). La página y sus contenidos son propiedad y están gestionados por MERCULES SPAIN, SL.
1.Datos identificativos de MERCULES SPAIN, SL
- 1.1. MERCULES es una sociedad limitada, (en adelante denominada como MERCULES), inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid. Volumen 32.794, Folio 81, Hoja M-589491 y CIF B-87112264. y con domicilio social en la calle AV/ Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo (España).
- 1.2. Para cualquier tipo de información, duda, consulta o sugerencia, los Usuarios pueden ponerse en contacto con MERCULES a través de la dirección de correo electrónico o en el teléfono de atención al cliente (+34) 946 125 663.
2.Uso de la página
- 2.1. El acceso y navegación por la página implica que el Usuario acepta plenamente y sin reservas todas y cada una de la Normas en la versión publicada por MERCULES en el momento mismo en que el Usuario acceda a la página. Por esto, el Usuario deberá ser consciente de la importancia de consultar las Normas cada vez que acceda a la página.
- 2.2. El Usuario se compromete utilizar la página y aquellos servicios puestos a su disposición a través de la misma, de manera acorde a la Ley, moral, buenas costumbres, y orden público, así como con lo dispuesto en las presentes Normas.
- 2.3. MERCULES podrá, para mayor agilidad en el funcionamiento de la página y en beneficio de los Usuarios, modificar unilateralmente, en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, el contenido y los servicios prestados o cualquier aspecto de la página. Del mismo modo, MERCULES se reserva el derecho de modificar unilateralmente y sin preaviso, cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de las Normas, en los términos y condiciones que estime conveniente y producirán efectos desde el mismo momento de su publicación. Estas modificaciones podrán ser comunicadas personalmente a los Usuarios registrados.
- 2.4. Los Usuarios deberán observar cualquier instrucción que, a través de e-mail o de la página, MERCULES o su personal, debidamente autorizado, imparta.
3.Datos Personales de los Usuarios
- 3.1. MERCULES puede recabar los datos personales que los Usuarios faciliten a través de la Página, especialmente cuando: (I) se suscribe a nuestra eShop (II) descarga Contenido Descargable; (III) accede a la Página; (IV)se inscribe a nuestra newsletter; (V) nos envía un correo electrónico; (VI) nos remiten su curriculum vitae o (VII) se suscribe a un sorteo o promociones. etc Estos Datos personales serán tratados por MERCULES, con las finalidades y durante el tiempo que se describe en la Política de Privacidad.
- 3.2. Atendiendo a la normativa de protección de datos, los Usuarios tendrán en todo momento el derecho a ejercitar los derechos recogidos en nuestra Política de Privacidad mediante el envío de un mensaje detallando el derecho que desea ejercitar al correo electrónico a
- 3.3. Para más información les rogamos se lean nuestro apartado específico relativo a la Política de Privacidad.
4.Propiedad Intelectual y Derechos de Autor
- 4.1. Toda la información contenida en la página, su diseño gráfico y el código en lenguaje HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script o Active X, está protegida por derechos de autor u otros derechos de protección de la propiedad intelectual. Estos derechos pertenecen exclusivamente a MERCULES o a sus licenciadores. Los Usuarios que accedan a esta página pueden visualizar la información contenida en el mismo y efectuar downloads o reproducciones privadas en su sistema informático, siempre que los elementos reproducidos no sean cedidos posteriormente a terceros o se instalen en un servidor conectado a Internet o a una red local. No se permite, sin perjuicio de lo recogido las presentes Normas, la distribución, modificación, cesión, comunicación pública, reproducciones ni cualquier otro acto de parte o la totalidad de la información publicada en la página, sin autorización previa de MERCULES.
- 4.2. El Usuario, deberá utilizar los contenidos e informaciones recogidos en la página, de forma diligente, correcta y lícita, y en concreto, únicamente para uso personal y no comercial, siempre y cuando no se elimine o modifique el contenido o cualquier mención de fuentes, copyright y demás datos identificativos de derechos de MERCULES o de terceros, es decir respetando su forma original. Cualquier reproducción o copia, distribución o publicación, de cualquier clase, del contenido de la información publicada en la página sin autorización previa y por escrito de MERCULES queda prohibido. La autorización para la reproducción puede solicitarse a la dirección de correo electrónico
- 4.3. En caso de que cualquier Usuario o tercero considere que cualquiera de los contenidos existentes en la página ha sido introducido en la misma con violación de derechos de autor u otros derechos de protección de la propiedad intelectual, rogamos comunique a MERCULES dicha circunstancia, remitiendo notificación a la dirección de correo electrónico a que incluya, al menos, los siguientes extremos:
- a) Nombre, dirección, número de teléfono y dirección de e-mail del reclamante.
- b) Datos del titular de los derechos de autor u otros derechos de protección de la propiedad intelectual que pudiesen haber sido infringidos.
- c) Indicación de los contenidos infringidos y ubicación en la página.
- d) Declaración de que la introducción de los contenidos ha sido introducida sin autorización expresa del titular de los derechos de autor u otros derechos de propiedad intelectual.
- Sin perjuicio de lo señalado en los párrafos precedentes, MERCULES se reserva el derecho de defenderse contra reclamaciones fundadas en normativa vigente sobre publicidad y de derechos de autor u otros derechos protectores de la propiedad intelectual.
5. Hiperlinks
- 5.1. En el caso de que en la página se refieran mediante enlaces a publicidad o a páginas Web de terceros, MERCULES no se obliga a controlar y no controla con carácter previo, aprueba ni hace propios los servicios, contenidos, datos, archivos, productos y cualquier clase de material existente en la página o páginas web de terceros, por lo que MERCULES no responderá, bajo ninguna circunstancia, de la legalidad de los contenidos de dicha/s página/s, siendo responsabilidad exclusiva del tercero, a título enunciativo y no limitativo, el respeto de la legalidad, moral, buenas costumbres y orden público, de los contenidos, así eso que aquellos no lesionen derechos cualesquiera de terceros. La existencia de un hiperlink no presupone relación de ninguna clase entre MERCULES y el propietario de la página web en que el mismo se establezca.
- 5.2. Aquellos Usuarios o terceras personas que pretendan establecer un hiperlink con la página, deberán garantizar que el hiperlink sólo permite el acceso a las páginas o servicios de la página, pero no realiza, de forma enunciativa pero no limitativa, reproducción de contenidos, deep-links, browsers, manifestaciones inexactas o incorrectas, sobre los contenidos o la página. Salvo aquellos signos que formen parte del hiperlink, el Usuario garantizará que la página web en la que se establezca el hiperlink no contendrá marcas, nombres comerciales, rótulos de establecimientos, denominaciones, logotipos, eslóganes o cualquier tipo de signo distintivo perteneciente a MERCULES.
6.Exclusión de garantías y de responsabilidad
- 6.1. MERCULES no garantiza la fiabilidad, disponibilidad, o continuidad del funcionamiento de su página ni de los servicios puestos a disposición del usuario, por lo que se excluye cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y/o perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la falta de disponibilidad, fiabilidad o continuidad de su página o de sus servicios, aunque intentará facilitar, en la medida de sus posibilidades, ayuda técnica a la persona afectada.
- 6.2. MERCULES no se obliga a controlar y no controla con carácter previo, la ausencia de virus o elementos en los contenidos, que puedan producir alteraciones en el software o hardware de los usuarios o personas que visiten la página, por lo que no responderá de los daños o perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que pudieran derivarse de los mismos.
- 6.3. El usuario responderá de los daños y/o perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que MERCULES pudiera sufrir como consecuencia del incumplimiento por parte del usuario de la ley o de cualquiera de las normas recogidas en el presente Aviso Legal.
7. Salvaguarda de las Normas
Si algún término y condición de las presentes Normas fuera declarado nulo o inoperante, el resto de las disposiciones se mantendrán en los términos acordados. MERCULES se compromete a sustituir la estipulación afectada por la nulidad aproximándose lo más posible a la intención inicialmente perseguida.
8.Ley aplicable y Jurisdicción competente
Estas Normas se rigen por la Ley Española. MERCULES SPAIN, SL y los Usuarios, para la resolución de cualquier controversia que pudiera surgir, con respecto a su validez, ejecución, cumplimiento o resolución, total o parcial, se someten, a los Juzgados y Tribunales españoles.
© Copyright 2023. MERCULES SPAIN, SL Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid. Volumen 32.794, Folio 81, Hoja M-589491 y CIF B-87112264.
The terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice (hereinafter the "Rules") are intended to inform, regulate the use and access by users (hereinafter the "User" or "Users") to all web pages listed under the domain (hereinafter, "the Website"). The Website and its contents are owned and managed by MERCULES, SL.
1.Data identifying MERCULES, SL
- 1.1.MERCULES is a limited liability company, (hereinafter referred to as MERCULES), domiciled in Vizcaya (Spain), Avenida de Neguri 9, Getxo with Tax Identification Number B-87112264, incorporated in the Commercial Registry of Madrid at Volume 32.794, Folio 81, Sheet M-589491.
- 1.2.If you require any additional information or have any doubts, complaints or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email, by using our customer care telephone (+34) 946 125 663.
2.Use of the Website
- 2.1.By accessing and browsing the Website the User accepts fully and without reservation each and all of the Rules as published by MERCULES at the moment when the User accesses the page. Therefore, the User must be aware of the importance of consulting the Rules each time the page is accessed.
- 2.2.The User agrees to use the Website and the services that are made available through the same, in line with the law, morals, good customs and public order, along with the provisions of these Rules.
- 2.3.MERCULES may, for greater efficiency in the functioning of the Website and for the benefit of Users, unilaterally modify, at any time and without notice, the content and services provided therein or any other aspect of the Website. Similarly, MERCULES reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice any of the terms and conditions of the Rules, in the terms and conditions that it deems appropriate and these shall have effect from the time of their publication. These changes may be communicated personally to registered Users.
- 2.4.Users must observe any instructions that are given by MERCULES, or their duly authorized personnel, via e-mail or the Website.
3.Protection of personal data of Users by MERCULES, S.L.
- 3.1.MERCULES reports that the data that Users provide through the Website shall be included in files owned by MERCULES, with Users expressly consenting to their collection and treatment, with the aim of maintaining business relationships, receiving information and advertising products and services from MERCULES, or from third party partners or affiliated companies, either by traditional or electronic channels, and, if providing a curriculum, to be included in the recruitment processes of the company.
- 3.2.The owner of the data shall be entitled at all times to access the file and to rectify, cancel and contest the same in the terms set out in data protection legislation. Likewise, the consent of the user to the processing and transfer of his/her personal details may be revoked at any moment. This can be done by contacting MERCULES, SL by e-mail at
- 3.3.MERCULES guarantees the use of appropriate security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, MERCULES guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Details, although it may disclose to competent public authorities both the Personal Details and any other information which may be stored on its files or accessible through its systems, whenever the same is required in keeping with applicable legal and regulatory dispositions.
- 3.4.Please read our special section regarding the Policy on Data Protection and Privacy that appears on the website, as well as in each section where the user is required to enter personal data.
4.Intellectual Property and Copyright
- 4.1.All the information contained on the Page, its graphic design and the HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script and Active X language codes are protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights. These rights are owned exclusively by MERCULES or its licensees. All Internet users accessing this Page may view the information contained in the same and carry out downloads or private reproductions on their own computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local area network. Without prejudice to that set out in the present Rules, any distribution, modification, transfer, public communication, reproduction or any other action partially or wholly involving the information published at the Page is forbidden without prior written authorization from MERCULES.
- 4.2.Users must use the content and information on the Page in a diligent, correct and licit manner, specifically for personal non-commercial use, and must not delete or modify the content or any mention of sources, copyright or other data which identify the rights of MERCULES or third parties and respecting the original content at all times. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication of any kind of the content of the information published at without prior written authorization from MERCULES is strictly forbidden. Authorization for reproduction can be requested by e-mail at
4.3.Should any user or third-party consider that any of the content located on the Page has been introduced in the same in breach of copyright or other intellectual property rights, please communicate the said circumstance to MERCULES using the e-mail address , with indication of the following:
- a) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant.
- b) Details of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights which are deemed to have been breached.
- c) Indication of the breached content and the location of the same within the Page.
- d) Declaration that the content has been introduced without express authorization from the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights.
- Without prejudice to that indicated in the preceding paragraphs, MERCULES reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current legislation on advertising and copyright or other intellectual property rights. li>
- 5.1.Whenever the page refers to third-party web sites through advertising links, MERCULES does not undertake to carry out prior control of the said web sites, nor does it approve or lay claim to the services, content, data, files, products or any other kinds of material contained in the third-party web sites, and in consequence, MERCULES is in no way liable for the legality of the content of the said web site pages; liability for the same shall correspond, by way of example and without limitation, exclusively to the third-party, who shall make sure the content is legal and in keeping with morality, good conduct and public order and does not breach the rights of other parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not necessarily imply any kind of relationship between MERCULES and the owner of the web site which is linked to.
- 5.2.Any users or third parties who wish to establish a hyperlink with the Page must guarantee that the hyperlink only provides access to the pages or services of the Page and does not, by way of example and without limitation, reproduce content, deep-links, browsers or incorrect or inexact statements with regard to the content or the Page. Save for those signs which form part of the hyperlink, the user guarantees that the web page linked to by the hyperlink shall not contain brand names, commercial names, commercial banners, denominations, logos, slogans or any other type of distinctive signs which belong to MERCULES.
6.Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability
- MERCULES, SL does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuance of the operation of its Website nor of the products or services made available to the User, for which reason it is released from any liability for damages of any kind which may derive from the lack of availability, reliability or continuance of its Website or services, although it will, in as far as possible, facilitate technical help to affected persons.
- Within the limits established by law, MERCULES, SL cannot and does not assume any claims deriving from the lack of veracity, integrity and/or updating of the content or information of any kind contained at Website.
- MERCULES, SL does not undertake to carry out prior control with regards to checking for viruses or the existence of elements in the content which may produce alterations in the software or hardware of the Users or person visiting the Website, for which reason it is not way liable for any damages of any kind which may derive from the same.
- The User shall be liable for any damages of any kind which MERCULES, SL may suffer as a consequence of breach by the User of the law or of any of the regulations regarding use as contained in the present Rules.
7.Safeguards for Rules Regarding Use
Should any of the clauses in the present Rules be declared void or inoperative, the remaining clauses shall be maintained in the terms set out. MERCULES undertakes to replace any clauses which have been declared void with another clause which is as near as possible to the original intention of the parties.
8.Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction
These Rules are governed by Spanish legislation. In order to resolve any controversy which may come about with regards to the whole or partial validity, execution, breach or termination of the present Rules, MERCULES and the users expressly subject themselves to the competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain), with express renunciation of any other jurisdiction which may correspond to them.
© Copyright 2023 MERCULES SPAIN, SL Registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid. Volumen 32.794, Folio 81, Hoja M-589491 y CIF B-87112264.
The terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice (hereinafter the "Rules") are intended to inform, regulate the use and access by users (hereinafter the "User" or "Users") to all web pages listed under the domain (hereinafter, "the Website"). The Website and its contents are owned and managed by MERCULES, SL.
1.Data identifying MERCULES, SL
- 1.1.MERCULES is a limited liability company, (hereinafter referred to as MERCULES), domiciled in Vizcaya (Spain), Avenida de Neguri 9, Getxo with Tax Identification Number B-87112264, incorporated in the Commercial Registry of Madrid at Volume 32.794, Folio 81, Sheet M-589491.
- 1.2.If you require any additional information or have any doubts, complaints or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email, by using our customer care telephone (+34) 946 125 663.
2.Use of the Website
- 2.1.By accessing and browsing the Website the User accepts fully and without reservation each and all of the Rules as published by MERCULES at the moment when the User accesses the page. Therefore, the User must be aware of the importance of consulting the Rules each time the page is accessed.
- 2.2.The User agrees to use the Website and the services that are made available through the same, in line with the law, morals, good customs and public order, along with the provisions of these Rules.
- 2.3.MERCULES may, for greater efficiency in the functioning of the Website and for the benefit of Users, unilaterally modify, at any time and without notice, the content and services provided therein or any other aspect of the Website. Similarly, MERCULES reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice any of the terms and conditions of the Rules, in the terms and conditions that it deems appropriate and these shall have effect from the time of their publication. These changes may be communicated personally to registered Users.
- 2.4.Users must observe any instructions that are given by MERCULES, or their duly authorized personnel, via e-mail or the Website.
3.Protection of personal data of Users by MERCULES, S.L.
- 3.1.MERCULES reports that the data that Users provide through the Website shall be included in files owned by MERCULES, with Users expressly consenting to their collection and treatment, with the aim of maintaining business relationships, receiving information and advertising products and services from MERCULES, or from third party partners or affiliated companies, either by traditional or electronic channels, and, if providing a curriculum, to be included in the recruitment processes of the company.
- 3.2.The owner of the data shall be entitled at all times to access the file and to rectify, cancel and contest the same in the terms set out in data protection legislation. Likewise, the consent of the user to the processing and transfer of his/her personal details may be revoked at any moment. This can be done by contacting MERCULES, SL by e-mail at
- 3.3.MERCULES guarantees the use of appropriate security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, MERCULES guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Details, although it may disclose to competent public authorities both the Personal Details and any other information which may be stored on its files or accessible through its systems, whenever the same is required in keeping with applicable legal and regulatory dispositions.
- 3.4.Please read our special section regarding the Policy on Data Protection and Privacy that appears on the website, as well as in each section where the user is required to enter personal data.
4.Intellectual Property and Copyright
- 4.1.All the information contained on the Page, its graphic design and the HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script and Active X language codes are protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights. These rights are owned exclusively by MERCULES or its licensees. All Internet users accessing this Page may view the information contained in the same and carry out downloads or private reproductions on their own computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local area network. Without prejudice to that set out in the present Rules, any distribution, modification, transfer, public communication, reproduction or any other action partially or wholly involving the information published at the Page is forbidden without prior written authorization from MERCULES.
- 4.2.Users must use the content and information on the Page in a diligent, correct and licit manner, specifically for personal non-commercial use, and must not delete or modify the content or any mention of sources, copyright or other data which identify the rights of MERCULES or third parties and respecting the original content at all times. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication of any kind of the content of the information published at without prior written authorization from MERCULES is strictly forbidden. Authorization for reproduction can be requested by e-mail at
4.3.Should any user or third-party consider that any of the content located on the Page has been introduced in the same in breach of copyright or other intellectual property rights, please communicate the said circumstance to MERCULES using the e-mail address , with indication of the following:
- a) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant.
- b) Details of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights which are deemed to have been breached.
- c) Indication of the breached content and the location of the same within the Page.
- d) Declaration that the content has been introduced without express authorization from the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights.
- Without prejudice to that indicated in the preceding paragraphs, MERCULES reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current legislation on advertising and copyright or other intellectual property rights. li>
- 5.1.Whenever the page refers to third-party web sites through advertising links, MERCULES does not undertake to carry out prior control of the said web sites, nor does it approve or lay claim to the services, content, data, files, products or any other kinds of material contained in the third-party web sites, and in consequence, MERCULES is in no way liable for the legality of the content of the said web site pages; liability for the same shall correspond, by way of example and without limitation, exclusively to the third-party, who shall make sure the content is legal and in keeping with morality, good conduct and public order and does not breach the rights of other parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not necessarily imply any kind of relationship between MERCULES and the owner of the web site which is linked to.
- 5.2.Any users or third parties who wish to establish a hyperlink with the Page must guarantee that the hyperlink only provides access to the pages or services of the Page and does not, by way of example and without limitation, reproduce content, deep-links, browsers or incorrect or inexact statements with regard to the content or the Page. Save for those signs which form part of the hyperlink, the user guarantees that the web page linked to by the hyperlink shall not contain brand names, commercial names, commercial banners, denominations, logos, slogans or any other type of distinctive signs which belong to MERCULES.
6.Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability
- MERCULES, SL does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuance of the operation of its Website nor of the products or services made available to the User, for which reason it is released from any liability for damages of any kind which may derive from the lack of availability, reliability or continuance of its Website or services, although it will, in as far as possible, facilitate technical help to affected persons.
- Within the limits established by law, MERCULES, SL cannot and does not assume any claims deriving from the lack of veracity, integrity and/or updating of the content or information of any kind contained at Website.
- MERCULES, SL does not undertake to carry out prior control with regards to checking for viruses or the existence of elements in the content which may produce alterations in the software or hardware of the Users or person visiting the Website, for which reason it is not way liable for any damages of any kind which may derive from the same.
- The User shall be liable for any damages of any kind which MERCULES, SL may suffer as a consequence of breach by the User of the law or of any of the regulations regarding use as contained in the present Rules.
7.Safeguards for Rules Regarding Use
Should any of the clauses in the present Rules be declared void or inoperative, the remaining clauses shall be maintained in the terms set out. MERCULES undertakes to replace any clauses which have been declared void with another clause which is as near as possible to the original intention of the parties.
8.Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction
These Rules are governed by Spanish legislation. In order to resolve any controversy which may come about with regards to the whole or partial validity, execution, breach or termination of the present Rules, MERCULES and the users expressly subject themselves to the competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain), with express renunciation of any other jurisdiction which may correspond to them.
© Copyright 2023 MERCULES SPAIN, SL Registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid. Volumen 32.794, Folio 81, Hoja M-589491 y CIF B-87112264.