Nuestros zapatos están hechos a mano con piel de la más alta calidad, teñida usando métodos tradicionales. Por consiguiente, cualquier irregularidad o diferencia en la apariencia está considerada como una característica intrínseca del producto.


Para preservar la calidad original, evitar exponer el producto a calor extremo y humedad. Lluvia, roce y sol directo pueden causar decoloración o manchas. Evita el contacto con sustancias corrosivas como aceites y alcohol.


Para ayudar a que tus zapatos resistan mejor al paso del tiempo, hidrátalos con crema regeneradora incolora y usa un spray protector adecuado.


También puedes cuidar tus zapatos en casa con nuestro set para el cuidado del producto y nuestro spray protector.


Nota: La eco-crema regeneradora de Mercules no debe usarse en ante o piel de ternero con pelo. Para el resto de pieles o cueros no incluidos en esta lista, haz una prueba en un lugar discreto y déjalo secar durante al menos una hora antes de seguir para asegurarte de que no se produce una reacción negativa.

Our shoes are handmade by Spanish artisans from high quality leather, tanned using traditional methods. Consequently, any irregularities or differences in appearance are considered intrinsic features of the product.


To preserve the original quality, avoid exposing the product to extreme heat and damp. Rain, rubbing and direct sunlight may cause discoloring or stains. Avoid contact with corrosive substances such as oil and alcohol.


Care should be taken to avoid contact with delicate or light coloured garments when using your shoes, as color transfer can occur.


To help preserve your shoes over time, moisturize them with colourless regenerating cream and use a suitable protective spray.


You can also condition your shoes at home by purchasing our product care set and our water-repellent spray.


Note: Mercules regenerating eco-cream should not be used on suede or hair calf leathers. Test in an inconspicuous spot and let dry for at least one hour to ensure no negative reaction before proceeding.

Our shoes are handmade by Spanish artisans from high quality leather, tanned using traditional methods. Consequently, any irregularities or differences in appearance are considered intrinsic features of the product.


To preserve the original quality, avoid exposing the product to extreme heat and damp. Rain, rubbing and direct sunlight may cause discoloring or stains. Avoid contact with corrosive substances such as oil and alcohol.


Care should be taken to avoid contact with delicate or light coloured garments when using your shoes, as color transfer can occur.


To help preserve your shoes over time, moisturize them with colourless regenerating cream and use a suitable protective spray.


You can also condition your shoes at home by purchasing our product care set and our water-repellent spray.


Note: Mercules regenerating eco-cream should not be used on suede or hair calf leathers. Test in an inconspicuous spot and let dry for at least one hour to ensure no negative reaction before proceeding.